EJS Digital Library for Physics 200


Week 7: Molecular Dynamics Models

We finish the first half of the semester by studying how molecular dynamics models based on classical mechanics give rise to macroscopic phenomena.   Students turn in their mid-term projects at the end of the week.


The following models use the Lennard-Jones potential to model molecular dynamics.



Additional models may be be posted for self-study.


Midterm Project (Due Friday February 27)

Use EJS to create a physics-based computer game (such as Pong but there are others such as pinball or put-put golf) consisting of a disk colliding (interacting) with walls and other objects.  The interactions may be continuous (ODE based) or discrete (event based).


A simple game can be a lot of fun.  I would rather have a model that works rather than a George Lucas production that doesn't.  Your Documentation pages should describe the physics and how to play the game.  Worry about conservation of energy and momentum (unless a user action add these quantities to the system) as well as Newton's second law.  Include a description of programming difficulties and challenges that you encountered and how you solved them.