Ejs Ladder Demonstration

This simulation uses Easy Java Simulations (Ejs) to model the problem of a ladder leaning against a wall. The standard (textbook) statement of this problem assumes that there is no frictional force between the wall and the ladder, but a frictional force between the ground and the ladder. In the simulation you can set


θ0 ,  μstatic ,  and   μkinetic ,


as long as:


μstatic > μkinetic   and   μkinetic > 0 .



There are two possibilities for this problem:


The Static Case:  In this case the force of static friction is large enough to maintain equilibrium and the ladder does not move. This condition amounts to:

tan (θ0)   ≥  1/(2μstatic) .


The Dynamic Case:  In this case the force of static friction is not large enough to maintain equilibrium and the ladder moves. This condition amounts to:

tan (θ0)   <   1/(2μstatic) .

In this case the frictional force now is the force of kinetic friction, μkineticN.