Free Fall 3D


Free Fall 3D simulates the same physics as the Free Fall model but with a 3D View of the model's data.  The ball falls with constant acceleration g=-9.8 m/s2 in the z direction.  Click-dragging on the ball changes its height but leaves its velocity unchanged.  The reset button stops the animation and sets the initial conditions to y=1.8 and vy=0.  See the Free Fall model for a description of this model is implemented in Ejs.


The model's 3D view has many built in features that can be accessed as the program is running.



It the ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’ key is pressed during a mouse action, the actions affects only this coordinate.  Note also that these actions are are modified if the 3D view is projected onto a 2D plane.

Right-clicking within a 3D view displays a popup menu.