EJS Moon Phases Model

full moon

General Description

This program illustrates how the appearance of the moon changes depending on the position of the moon relative to Earth and the sun. The left window shows the earth (at the center) and the moon, as well as a circle tracing out the moon's orbit. The sun is far to the right in this picture and therefore the right side of the earth and moon are bright while the left sides are dark. A glowing band of light shows the portion of the moon visible from earth, as well as the portion of earth from which the moon is visible. The angle between the sun and moon (as seen from earth) can be adjusted. A horizon line for an observer on earth can be added and the time of the observation can be set (which effectively changes the observer's location on earth in this picture).

The right window shows the appearance of the moon as seen from earth when the moon is in the position shown in the left window.

Visual Elements


Todd K. Timberlake (ttimberlake@berry.edu)