BETA --- Astronomy JavaScript Models Created with EjsS --- BETA


This directory contains a sampler of beta versions of upcoming astronomy JavaScript simulations written at Davidson College and Berry College.

Open Source Physics collaborators, Francisco Esquembre and Felix Garcia Clemente at the University of Murcia, Spain, have developed a Reader App that lets users on tablets and smartphones download, organize, and run JavaScript simulations created with EjsS 5.0 and later. There is a Free version of the Reader and a Pro version. Both versions come with a number of demo simulations developed at Davidson College. The Free version allows you to add up to five (5) more simulations from a digital library. Once you reach this limit, you need to remove one of these downloaded simulations to make room for a new one. The $1.99 Pro version has no limit in the number of simulations you can add to your personal library.